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Selected Publications
Selected Working Papers:
Selected Publications
- "Not Too Distant: Grievance, Opportunity, and the Onset of Civil War" (with Benjamin Appel and Caleb Lucas). Forthcoming. Civil Wars.
- "Cheap Talk or Costly Commitment? Leader Statements and the Implementation of Civil War Peace Agreements" (with Deniz Cil). 2002. Journal of Peace Research 59(3): 409-424.
- "Battles and Bargains: Escalation, Commitment, and Negotiations in Civil War" (with Elizabeth Menninga). 2021. International Studies Quarterly 65(2): 406-422.
- "Selling Out or Standing Firm: Explaining the Design of Civil War Peace Agreements" (with Deniz Cil). 2020. International Studies Quarterly 64(2): 329-342.
- "Third Party Actors and the Intentional Targeting of Civilians in War" (with Benjamin Appel). 2019. British Journal of Political Science 49(4): 1453-1474.
- “The (In)compatibility of Peace and Justice? The International Criminal Court and Civil War Termination" 2017. International Organization 71(2): 213-243. [Replication Files]
- “Led Astray? Leaders and Civil War Duration” 2018. Journal of Conflict Resolution 62(6): 1179-1204. [Replication Files]
- "Leader Incentives and Civil War Outcomes" 2016. American Journal of Political Science 60(1): 70-84.
- "International Law and the Consolidation of Peace Following Territorial Changes" (with Paul Huth). 2015. Journal of Politics 77(1): 161-174.
- "Compliance with International Humanitarian Law: Democratic Third Parties and Civilian Targeting in Interstate War" (with Benjamin Appel). 2014. Journal of Conflict Resolution 54(4): 713-740.
Selected Working Papers:
- "Understanding the Determinants of ICC Involvement: Legal Mandate, Power Politics, and the Crisis of Legitimacy" (with Benjamin Appel & Shahryar Minhas). R&R.
- "Leader Accountability in Civil War: Lessons for an Emerging Research Agenda" (with Myung Jung Kim).
- "Rethinking the Conflict Trap: Understanding the Multiple Pathways to Civil Conflict Recurrence" (with Hyun Joo Cho).